

2018-01-31 张海露Eric 英语学习笔记


1. 为什么叫Wonder?

书名来自于Natalie Merchant的歌曲Wonder,序言部分是它的歌词:Doctors have come from distant cities / just to see me / stand over my bed / disbelieving what they’re seeing / They say I must be one of the wonders / of god’s own creation / and as far as they can see they can offer / no explanation.

这段歌词是R. J. Palacio的创作灵感。Auggie天生畸形,患有mandibulofacial dysostosis。在上5年级之前,他已经经历过27次大大小小的手术,能过到现在这样就已经是medical wonder了。

Auggie的出现让他的同学们懂得什么是empathy, friendship, and loyalty. 让他的父母懂得如何爱。书的最后一章中,妈妈对他说:Thank you for everything you've given us, for coming into our lives, for being you. You really are a wonder.

2. Mr Tushman的名字

校长的名字叫Tushman,tush在俚语中表示“屁屁”,同义词有butt, buttock, rump, bottom, rear-end, behind。 Tushman可以理解为“屁屁侠”。如果他和我一个姓的话,他应该会叫“张美屯” “张辟谷”之类,作为一个校长,他的内心一定很强大才没有改名字。

在书中爸爸劝Auggie去上学的一个理由是:you should go to that school just so you can hear his name said over the loudspeaker!

3. supposably vs. supposedly

领Auggie参观学校的有3名同学: Julian, Jack, Charlotte。Julian是个“戏精”(phony),在同学面前特别霸道,在大人面前特别乖的那种(the kind of kid who’s one way in front of grown-ups and another way in front of kids)。在参观过程中他问Auggie:What's the deal with your face?

Auggie很受伤,不过他没有表现过出来。过了一会他淡淡地指出Julian的语法错误:你刚刚说"science elective is supposably really hard",你说的是supposably,不过实际上应该是supposedly。



4. Like a lamb to the slaughter

爸爸妈妈在讨论是否应该让Auggie去上学的时候,爸爸说不应该,因为it's like leading a lamb to the slaughter.  "a lamb to the slaughter"在书中共出现了5次,其中一个章节的名字就叫Lamb to the Slaughter。

Like a lamb to the slaughter是个习语,表示“任人宰割”。

5. 《星球大战》梗



Jedi Apprentice: Padawan

Julian问Auggie:What's your favorite character? Auggie说是赏金猎人Jango Fett(这哥们身着光亮的盔甲,遮盖住满是疤痕的脸)。Julian说What about Darth Sidious? Do you like him?

Darth Sidious是个大魔王,他曾被自己黑暗面闪电反射回来的能量严重毁容,样子特别吓人。Jullian在暗示Auggie长得像Darth Sidious,后来在万圣节的时候Jullian也扮成了Darth Sidious。

无论你喜不喜欢《星球大战》,我建议都要去把整个系列看一遍,这样可以帮助我们理解许多文化梗,也能让我们的表达有意思。例如常见的“I'm your father" "May the force be with you"。例如当我们想说某人是我们的“死对头”的时候就可以说:


6. precept

precept/'priːsept/ 这个词在全书出现了36次,在电影中也多次出现。

precept的字面意思是“准则” “戒律”,不过在Mr Browne的定义中,它表示"Any saying or ground rule that can motivate you" "a precept is anything that helps guide us when making decisions about really important things"。

Browne老师的第一个Precept是:When given the choice between being right or being kind. Choose kind. 这也是全书的主题之一:be kind. 在学期结束时Mr Tushman再次强调了“这件小事”说:

Kinder than is necessary. Because it’s not enough to be kind. One should be kinder than needed. Why I love that line, that concept, is that it reminds me that we carry with us, as human beings, not just the capacity to be kind, but the very choice of kindness.

Browne老师鼓励学生们自己写precept,Auggie写的是:Everyone in the world should get a standing ovation at least once in their life because we all overcometh the world. 这段话也出现在了电影的结尾处。






